Aircraft Residual Value Puzzle

A perspective on the new Normal for the Aircraft Market. Reprinted from Business Air Magazine Volume 9 2016 There are three major components to aircraft market values and to name just a few, several less influential factors such as brand reputation, product support, and current production. The major three are: Inflation, Supply/Demand, List Price/Discount. The…

US Aircraft Market Election Woes

United States Presidential election cycles have a tendency to put a damper on aircraft purchasing. Having been in the business for 30+ years I have seen this happen every four years. Some years, when the re-election of the President will not appear to be highly contested, the impact is minor. In years where the election…

Aging Aircraft–Keep, Sell or Buy

Considerations to Keep, Sell or Buy Older jet aircraft (25+ Years or older) are an interesting phenomenon in the market place.   Many of these aircraft are trading at salvage value. Others are salvage value plus the value of the engines and major inspection status. Some feel operating older aircraft is OK, others are concerned about…